Optimizing patient outcomes by improving STEMI target times




Mots-clés :

STEMI, Myocardial Infarction, Quality Improvement, Target Times, Triage to ECG


It is widely recognized that delays in STEMI identification and treatment can negatively affect patient outcomes. Early intervention to achieve reperfusion of the blocked vessel is crucial in minimizing myocardial damage and optimizing patient outcomes.


In April 2017, the Southern Alberta STEMI program identified a delay in SHC ED achieving STEMI target times as outlined by the American College of Cardiology and the American Heart Association.

Of all walk-in STEMI patients presenting to SHC ED between October 2016 and October 2017 requiring urgent transfer to FMC cardiac cath lab:

  • 24% met the ‘Triage to 1st ECG target’ of ≤ 10 mins
  • 6% met the ‘Door in-Door out target’ of ≤ 30 mins



A multi-disciplinary project team was formed to examine barriers to both targets and begin implementing strategies aimed at improving these times.




Comment citer

Binda, D. (2020). Optimizing patient outcomes by improving STEMI target times. Canadian Journal of Emergency Nursing, 43(2), 4–5. https://doi.org/10.29173/cjen53