
Ouvrir une session ou S'inscrire pour pouvoir faire une soumission.

Liste de vérification de la soumission

Les auteurs-es doivent s'assurer de la conformité de leur soumission avec l'ensemble des éléments suivants. Les soumissions non conformes pourraient être retournées aux auteurs-es.
  • La soumission n'a pas déjà été publiée et n'est pas considérée actuellement par une autre revue. Si ce n'est pas le cas, fournir une explication dans le champ « Commentaires au,à la rédacteur-trice ».
  • Le fichier de la soumission est dans un des formats de fichier suivants : OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF ou WordPerfect.
  • Lorsque possible, les URL des références ont été fournies.
  • Le texte est à simple interligne, utilise une police de 12 points, emploie l'italique plutôt que le souligné (sauf pour les adresses URL) et place toutes les illustrations, figures et tableaux aux endroits appropriés dans le texte plutôt qu'à la fin.
  • Le texte se conforme aux exigences stylistiques et bibliographiques décrites dans les Directives aux auteurs, qui se trouvent dans la section « À propos de la revue ».

Directives aux auteurs-es


The Canadian Journal of Emergency Nursing (CJEN) welcomes original articles, research papers, protocols, letters to the editor, media reviews, artistic expressions, professional ads, and stories of interest to health care professionals who care for patients and families experiencing emergencies. We welcome articles by authorship teams from any discipline and on topics ranging from (but not limited to) emergency department care, disaster care, patient transport and forensics.  We currently do not charge a fee to authors for publication. As a benefit to members of the National Emergency Nursing Association (NENA), we provide mentorship and hands-on editorial guidance in the preparation of submissions to the journal. Our goal is to make contributions to our shared knowledge base as accessible as possible for Canadian Emergency Nurses. 


All correspondence and manuscripts must be sent to the editor-in-chief via or The editor-in-chief or delegated editor(s) will assume responsibility for obtaining confidential peer review. Normally, the process of peer review takes approximately three months. Manuscripts may not be under consideration by any other journal.


All articles published by CJEN are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. This permits anyone to copy, redistribute, remix, transmit and adapt the work provided the original work and source is appropriately cited.

Authors must obtain written permission for the use of previously published materials included in the manuscript. This includes extensive quotations (greater than 500 words), tables, figures, charts, graphs, etc. Written permission for all copyright materials must be included with the manuscript.


A letter of query to the editor-in-chief regarding the suitability of a proposed manuscript is suggested, but not required. Forward the original complete manuscript in a Word document by electronic mail to the editor-in-chief. Include your email address and other contact addresses in your cover letter for acknowledgement of receipt of your manuscript.

Non-refereed material

The journal also invites brief submissions of fewer than 500 words that highlight clinical practice tips, new program developments, research in progress, or reviews of articles, books, and videotapes. These submissions are published at the discretion of the editor-in-chief. Queries are unnecessary. Infographics, images, pictorial descriptions and encouraged. 


The Canadian Journal of Emergency Nursing strives to provide content in English and French. Select content is translated into French.

 Article Guidelines
  1. Style

    Manuscripts must be written in times roman or ariel typeface using a 12 points font.  Uniform margins of at least 1 inch, and double spacing are required. Number pages consecutively in upper right-hand corner, beginning with title page. The required style is that recommended by the American Psychological Association (APA). (2009). Publication manual (7th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.

  2. Length

    The preferred length for original articles or research reports is approximately 3000 words. Features submissions can be between 500 and 1500 words. Additional word limits are possible in negotiation with the editorial team. 

  3. Cover Letter & Title page

    The cover letter and title page are not uploaded with the main manuscript, they are "cut-and-pasted" into a "to the editor" dialogue box. In the title page for the article, the name(s), affiliation(s) and contact information for each member of the authorship team. If more than one author, the order must be that desired in the publication. 

  4. Abstract

    Include an abstract of approximately 300 words. This abstract should summarize the article and highlight the main points of interest for the reader. A structured abstract is preferred for research i.e. Background, Methods, Results and Conclusion. The abstract will be uploaded via a "cut-and-paste" dialogue box. 

  5. References

    References must be double-spaced, in alphabetical order, complete, and accurate. References should start on a separate page and must be cited in the text.

  6. Tables

    Tables are numbered consecutively in the order in which they are first mentioned in the text. Tables should complement, not duplicate text. Tables should appear in the text, not in a separate document. 

  7. Figures

    All figures must be the property of the authorship team, appropriately cited or permission obtained if copyrighted. They must be submitted in place, in the text of the manuscript, not in a separate document. Figures must be clear, easy to interpret, and in black and white only for reproduction.

  8. Checklist

    Please follow our CJEN submission checklist. 

About Submissions

Benefits of NENA Membership for Authors

To achieve our goal of improving the number and quality of submissions from Canadian emergency nurses, we offer in-depth manuscript preparation mentorship from our editorial team. Potential authors should email the editor to inquire about this feature of our journal. The editorial team may suggest that manuscript submissions that are rejected under the editor peer-review stage undergo editor mentorship.

Manuscript Categories and Requirements

Original research should be structured according to background, methods, results, discussion and conclusion. Research should follow appropriate EQUATOR reporting guidelines i.e. CONSORT for randomized and controlled trials, STROBE for observational guidelines etc. Qualitative studies using interviews and focus groups should follow COREQ guidelines and generally follow SRQR guidelines. Suggested manuscript word counts (excluding references, tables, figures and appendices) should target 3000 words, but this is somewhat flexible in consultation with the editorial team. Generally we suggested a maximium of 30 references, 2 tables and 2 figures - but this is negotiable with the editorial team. Research protocols are welcome and should follow a structured format similar to their applicable reporting guidelines. 

Quality Improvement & Educational Interventions
Quality improvement papers, project evaluations and process improvement manuscripts should follow SQUIRE 2.0 Guidelines. 2000 to 3000 words are suggested. Max 20 references. Educational interventions and evaluations are also welcome and should follow a modified SQUIRE2 format providing additional information about the education context and learner demographics along with the impact of the educational content, 2 tables and 2 figures.

Literature Review
Literature reviews such as systematic, scoping, rapid, topic, critical and conceptual reviews are all appropriate for publication in CJEN. Please structure reviews using PRISMA guidelines. 2000 to 3000 words are suggested. Max 30 references, 2 tables and 2 figures.

Case Report
Interesting cases should follow CARE case report guidelines. 1000 words suggested. Max 15 references. 1 table and 2 figures allowed.

Clinical Tips and Tricks
Clinically focused submissions, especially those that use images and other media are welcome in CJEN and may be eligible for cross-posting on social media. Max 10 references. 4 figures allowed.

Artistic Impression
This submission type provides our readers with a concise social analysis of health sciences and nursing-related topics – from a humanistic perspective. We welcome scholarly submissions regarding lived experiences from clinicians and patients alike. 1000 words suggested and max 10 references. In addition to these above guidelines, we will also consider artistic expressions in the form of photography, poetry and artistic narratives.

Editorials are welcome on any topic related to emergency care that our editorial team believe will be of interest to our readers. 1000 words suggested and max 10 references.

Letters to the Editor
Letters to the editor related to work published in CJEN or events of significant importance to our readers will be considered for online publication only. 500 words max and max 5 references, 1 table and 1 figure.

Short Report
Brief reports of newsworthy events, that are of interest to our readers will be considered for publication. They must be written in a structured and scholarly manner. Events such as disasters or other challenges are appropriate for this section. 1000 words suggested and max 10 references.

Preparing your Manuscript

Manuscripts should follow APA 7th Edition. Double-space all manuscripts, margins should be 2 centimetres and times roman or arial font should be used. All tables and figures should be mentioned in the body of the text. Abbreviations should be used sparingly and spelled in full prior to their first use. Non-brand devices and medication names are preferred. 

Figures, Tables, Media and Data Appendices

There are limitations to our in-print journal. However, our online format allows for longer-form word counts and many more figures and tables. We will welcome additional online content.

Peer Reviewed Articles

Peer reviewed content such as case reports, quality improvement work and original research. 

NonPeer Reviewed Content

Invited editorials, artistic expressions, position statements, news-worthy events and commentary.

Déclaration de confidentialité

Les noms et courriels saisis dans le site de cette revue seront utilisés exclusivement aux fins indiquées par cette revue et ne serviront à aucune autre fin, ni à toute autre partie.