Covid-19 Related Seizures
a Narrative Review
seizures, status epilepticus, NORSE, coronavirus, COVID-19, Sars-CoV-2, neurological manifestations, encephalopathy/encephalitis, narrative review, PRESAbstract
Background: The Coronavirus (Sars-CoV-2, COVID-19) has been evolving its viral strains, prevalence, symptomatology, and sequelae of disease for the past three years. Although the most recognized COVID-19 symptoms involve the respiratory tract; neurological symptoms have been documented. Specifically, seizures have specifically been discussed in the literature but remain both under-recognized and under-reported in clinical practice. Aim: To review of the literature of adult patients with COVID-19 and seizures and integrate into clinical practice in the acute care environment; from presentation to the emergency Department to discharge. Methods: A narrative literature review was conducted to identify all reported clinical studies involving adult patients with COVID-19 and de novo seizures from MEDLINE, yielding 108 relevant publication titles and abstracts. Additional three relevant studies were discovered through manual search of reference lists of included studies. After excluding non-related publications, 58 publications underwent full-text review. Reporting of results was guided by the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses extension for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-ScR). Results: Data was organized into the following themes in the literature: prevalence of seizure occurrence in patients with COVID-19; pathophysiology discussing possible cause; CSF and EEG findings in these patients, and outcomes both in and out of hospital. Conclusion: Seizures were reported as both the presenting symptom of COVID-19 infection and a sequelae of the disease. Heterogeneity identified in both severity and pathogenesis of disease may partly account for the variability in reporting. Seizures may occur as single incidences, with no further implication to the patient or they may occur in the context of New Onset Refractory Status Epilepticus. Patients may require critical care for management of Status Epilepticus or encephalopathy with accompanying seizures. Clinician vigilance is essential in identifying COVID-19 infection in patients presenting to Emergency Services with seizures. Early recognition impacts patient care both in-hospital and at post-discharge follow-up.
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