Editorial: Wellness and resilience: Beyond buzzwords and BS


  • Peter Brindley




A friend recently quit after 25 years working in healthcare. His parting words were memorable and chilling: “When I started this job I was given a bag for cash and a bag for crap; both bags are now full, so I’m outta here.” This ICU doctor did not know whether to cheer or cringe, but I understood where he was coming from. Hopefully you cannot relate, but I suspect many can. If so, then it’s time for a proper chat. I’ll share a few dark secrets, in the hopes that you feel safe doing the same.

Author Biography

Peter Brindley

Professor Critical Care Medicine, Consultant Intensivist, Department of Critical Care Medicine, University of Alberta


Purser, R. (2019). McMildfulness: How mindfulness became the new capitalist spirituality. Repeater Books. ISBN10 191224831X

Winnerman, L. (2005). The Mind’s Mirror: A new type if neuron–called a mirror neuron–could help explain how we learn trough mimicry and empathize with others. American Psychological Association, 36(9), 48. https://www.apa.org/monitor/oct05/mirror




How to Cite

Brindley, P. (2022). Editorial: Wellness and resilience: Beyond buzzwords and BS. Canadian Journal of Emergency Nursing, 45(3), E1-E2. https://doi.org/10.29173/cjen201



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